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"The Rites of the Munay-Ki transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past, the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs you inherited. They re-inform your DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.


They are transmitted as seeds for you to grow and cultivate the rainbow body

The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being.” 


– Alberto Villoldo

Image by Vita Leonis

Journey with the Luminous Ones

​$555 - live 6-week online training

Receive the 9 rites of the munay-ki


Come mentor live with me and the lineage as we travel the landscape of the sacred valley. Receive the transformational power of the keepers of the new earth for they are all of our lineages for the time that has come.


We'll journey together over a 6-week timeframe to receive the rites and deepen our connection to our beautiful mother earth, pachamama gaia.


The Munay-Ki is a calling for more of you to come home, trust your guidance to receive these ancient and future transmissions of becoming a keeper of the new earth, a wayshower of this most beautiful lineage.


This journey will be a blend of Munay-Ki training and journeywork. You'll receive very special guided journey transmissions and activations unique to each soul group and individual. 


We will keep in the tradition of this ancient oral lineage, where you can build trust in your own guidance and intuition.


You'll receive an email from me to connect and schedule our journey through the munay-ki together.

Live journeys includes


6 week, 2-hour live zoom gatherings


A short oral history of each Rite


Unique guided journeys into the lineage and landscape of Peru


Special transmissions & activations from each lineage


Receive the 9 Rites + the Rite of the Womb​


Group heart sharing​


Oracle card guidance


Breathing exercises


Learn how to gift the Rites to others


Practice giving & receiving the Rites


Learn how to grow the seeds of the Rites


Create a Kuya to hold the energies of the Rites


Learn to create energy mandalas "sand paintings"


Receive a Pi-Stone lineage transmission upon completion


Facebook Group to stay connected

Image by Casey Horner
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